There’s a system for getting lean.
It doesn’t include quick fix cleanses, diet fads, or magic pills. There are no special exercises you must do or celebrity workouts to imitate.
In fact, it’s so simple, it can be summed up in five words: Fall in love with boredom.
Everything you need to do to get lean enough to see your abs and more muscle definition is what most people refer to as the “boring stuff.”
– Cooking at home and eating plenty of protein and veggies.
– Reducing, and in most cases completely eliminating alcohol.
– Getting at least 7 hours of sleep a night.
– Lifting weights 3-5 days a week.
– Walking 8-10k + steps a day.
Ask yourself this: Why should it be exciting?
Why must you always be entertained?
You can either accept not getting results or put up with mild and intermittent feelings of discomfort for a few weeks until this basic shit becomes a part of your daily routine.
Change your attitude and expectations.
Do the work.
It’s the ones who can’t sustain feelings of “boredom” who will always struggle to change the way their body looks and then complain that nothing works for them while chasing yet another shiny object workout or diet program.
Anyone can derp around and go through the motions of a workout. Very few can get dialed in long enough to push through the menial tasks required to get to the good stuff.
Stop complaining about not getting any results when you’re unwilling to do the real work.