Fat Loss is a skill

Successful fat loss is a skill that requires the consistent application of effective nutrition and movement habits over the course of weeks, months and years (depending on the goal). 

This is why fad diets, cleanses and “fat burning” workouts don’t work longterm. 

There is no skill development required.

It’s analogous to purchasing a lottery ticket and winning millions of dollars overnight. Approximately 70% of lottery winners lose or spend all of their money in five years. Why does this happen? 

Because the process of making and keeping money requires the consistent application of effective habits over the course of weeks, months and years. When you get rich quick, you don’t learn shit. 

When you practice short-term thinking, you get short-term results, and you ultimately revert back to your old ways of behaving. 

Why continue this vicious cycle of losing and gaining the same 20 LB+ over and over again? 

Commit to being patient, and learning the science and psychology behind body composition change so you can finally jump off the rollercoaster of delusion for good.