A question to ask every time you train: Is this workout making me stronger or is it just making me tired? The two are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
I approach my own training with an acknowledgment and emphasis on the following:
Mobility > Stability > Strength
Most people don’t realize strength training is loaded mobility work. Assuming you take every repetition to full range of motion, you’re stretching the muscle in the eccentric portion of the rep. If performed under control, you improve your mobility (the ability to move quickly and easily).
Additionally, you develop better stability (the absence of variation or motion). The two combined grant you access to better quality movement.
No matter what’s thrown at you, you have control over your body at all times.
If I attempt to add a load to a weak foundation that lacks both mobility and stability, my risk of injury increases. Not only that, I miss the opportunity to build muscle and get stronger. My foundation is too weak to support the stress required to get the results I want. Imagine firing a canon from a canoe.
There’s a mental component, too.
Check your ego at the door. If your goal is to impress someone, make that someone be YOU.
Concentrate on what you’re doing so you stay connected to your body, and you own every repetition of every set of every exercise.
If you mentally check out, eyes glazed over just going through the motions, you miss the chance to improve.
Don’t miss out, stay focused. Invest your time and energy wisely.
Follow a plan that makes you better, not just tired.