Most people get extremely motivated to lose weight when they have a significant event to attend such as a wedding or a vacation where skimpy attire is desired. The motivation to get fit is strong it seems…until you actually get there. What happens the day after when there’s no longer a reason to workout and eat right?

Upon making plans to lose weight and get fit, you must first understand that doing so is not a hobby or a temporary change. It has to be something you implement into your life and put at the top of your priority list between your family, your job, and having a social life. Once you accept that taking care of your body and your health are priorities, then exercise and healthy eating will become as habit forming as all of your other daily activities.

Next, you must have ongoing goals set out for after the big event ends. These goals will give you renewed motivation and drive you each day. Not only that, you will be inspired to build on or maintain the healthy new way of life you have created. If you would still like to lose excess body fat when you get home, construct a list of new short and long term goals to help facilitate your weight-loss endeavor.

For example…

– Another significant event such as a reunion, wedding or vacation is coming up. I can safely lose 1-3 lbs. per week for the next 4 weeks.

– A competition or athletic event is coming up. I need to get stronger, faster, leaner, etc. in order to improve my times/placings.

– I need to lose weight to get off of a medication.

– I want to live a longer, more fulfilling life and be around to watch my grandkids grow up and start their own families.

– I want to ward off muscle atrophy, aging, osteoporosis, arthritis, etc. as I get older.

– I want to improve my mood, energy levels and overall well-being.

– I want to bring my “A-Game” to the table every single day for the rest of my life!

You get the idea. But ultimately you want to ask MORE of yourself every day, set your standards higher and higher as you reach milestones. Make no excuses about skipping healthy meals or workouts, just do it. The sky is the limit!