Hi Chris! Please tell us about yourself.
My name is Christine DeMorat. I’m originally from Upstate NY, but moved to North Carolina in 1995 with my husband and kids. I’ve always been athletic and have done many running events, mud runs, triathlons and cycling events throughout the years.
I taught years of fitness classes, including boxing and core classes as well as cycling. My biggest accomplishment to date is completing the Raleigh Half Ironman in 2014 with my daughter. It was the hardest thing I had ever trained for and the proudest athletic moment of my life.
I have a great husband and two beautiful adult children. My son is a biomedical engineer and my daughter is a Scientist, both are here.
I spent most of my career in law working as a paralegal. I made a big switch two and a half years ago into the clinical research business and am now a Cybersecurity Risk Management Analyst for PRA Health Sciences.
I am also a part-time cycling instructor at Lifetime Fitness where I teach a PWR cycle class aimed more toward triathletes, but all sorts of members take my class. It’s something I truly love and I miss my members tremendously since our gym has been closed.
How did you find us, and what inspired you to reach out?
I think the first time I heard of Figarelle’s Fitness was from the show “Say Yes to the Dress” when I saw your wedding story on TV. I remember thinking how cool Steph and Lela were and looked them up on IG. I started following them to add some different perspectives to my workout routines.
I really liked the teaching approach that Steph and Lela had and could see how much passion they have for their business and their clients. That really resonated with me. I decided to give online training a try, and I’m so glad I did.
What are your most important fitness goals, and why are they so important to you?
Number one is to feel strong. I have always felt apprehensive about joining teams or races where someone depended on me. I never wanted to be the one to let people down because I wasn’t strong enough. Now, I want to be strong for me!
Number two is to gain muscle and become leaner. It’s been a big struggle throughout my adult life especially after turning 50. My metabolism just seems so slow these days and losing fat seems impossible.
Number three is to get back to running. I’d like to get back to running 3-4 miles a few times a week. It was a big passion of mine, but after gaining some weight last year, it’s been a struggle to get back to it.
What kind of changes have you made to your nutrition since we started working together? What’s been the biggest lesson since making these changes?
Wow, huge changes. I tracked macros before, but never stayed with it. It seemed so hard. But since working with Steph, I’ve learned how better to track them and I’m at the point now where I know what combinations of food to eat to get me to my daily macros pretty easily.
Consistency is so key. I’ve cut out alcohol except for a glass here and there of wine or bourbon on the weekend. I avoid all processed food and stick mainly to fresh fruits, veggies and proteins with yogurts, protein shakes and bars and nuts for snacks.
And I’ve really increased my water intake a lot and can tell that’s been a big help with digestion. I sleep better when I’m properly hydrated too.
Tell us about your home gym set up. How has the transition been to training exclusively at home since public gyms closed in your area? Any tips for people who want to build their own home gym?
Honestly, it has not been hard at all, as I normally work out at home versus the gym. We have a great setup with Olympic bars and weights, bench, dumbbells, battle ropes, kettlebells, slam balls, box steps, etc.
I also have a virtual bike trainer program set up called Zwift that I ride on twice a week since my gym has been closed. I have built up my gym over the years buying pieces here and there.
My advice is start with the basics. Bench, dumbbells, resistance bands. Buying from large warehouses that have overstock is a great place to start. We have a huge warehouse that sells just about everything, and I bought my Olympic bars and weights there for a lot less money than I would from a retailer.
What are your favorite muscle groups to train and why? How about a few of your favorite exercises?
Shoulders are my favorite. Mine are the quickest muscle to develop and I see definition in my shoulders first. That is great motivation when you can see the results quickly, and it keep you motivated to work on the rest of your muscle groups. I love core work, too. There isn’t much you can’t do if you have a strong core.
Favorite exercises: Arnold press for shoulders; Russian twists with a med ball; A new favorite from FF is the seated banded row. I really feel that one! And I love sumo squats.
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to go into Science, but never really had a specific career in mind until I was much older and went into the legal field instead.
Who or what inspires you?
That is a tough one. I struggled a lot growing up with self-confidence (and still struggle a little bit to this day), so I don’t know that there is a who or what that has truly inspired me in life.
I have had to find my path on my own but have been so lucky to have found a wonderful husband and two children who have grown into amazing human beings. I guess they would be my inspiration.
What advice do you have for someone who wants to get fit, but may not know where to begin?
Don’t just think about it, do it! You have to start somewhere, and once you do, don’t look back. My new mantra is “Trust the Process”. Steph told me that when we first started working together, and I wake up every morning to those words. Trust, believe, and you will succeed!
What are you most excited about right now?
I am most excited about how good I am feeling, and that my clothes are finally starting to get loose! I have a long way to go for where I want to be, but I know that the process I am following is working and Steph is setting me up for lifelong success. Life is good.