Hi Jake! Please tell us about yourself.
Hi, Figarelles. Well, I’ll be 35 this year which is half way to 70; I should know twice and much by then! I am married to my wife Sydney (she can deadlift more than me), who is wonderful and beautiful and labored for 12 hours to bring our son Iver into the world… about 10 months ago.
I have a day job where I design and model structures in 3D, then create the related construction documents. This is mostly for industrial plants and facilities.
I also own a business where I do something similar but simpler as a service with some techie stuff sprinkled in.
I have a myriad of hobbies and things I enjoy… here are a few: board games, being a Bard (guitar and singing), archery, kickboxing, lawn games, being creative in any way which have been mostly building things lately.
I am also a huge geek, technology wise and general knowledge. I will read wikipedia for hours.
How long have you been working with FF and what initially motivated you to seek us out?
I believe I started personal training back in 2010. I had never really focused on working out and wanted to bulk up a bit. I was also playing Rugby a the time.
What are some of your favorite exercises to do?
Squats are the best. Burpees, kettle bell swings, dips.
Hiking Flattop! I have a record of 45 minutes from parking lot to parking lot, up the let side, down the stairs. Unfortunately, I have not attempted to beat it for some time.
Skate Skiing is super fun and is also considered to be exercise.
How about a few of your favorite muscle groups to train?
I enjoy leg day; glutes, hams, quads. Though I know I need to train the chest, shoulders, arms more.
What kind of impact has fitness had on your life over the years?
I have always been active, whether it’s sports, jogging, hiking, biking, etc.
If I don’t work out I get grumpy. I’m also sharper mentally when exercising regularly. Exercise helps to balance/regulate hormones and this impact all aspects of your life.
You’re a new Dad! How has life changed since having a child?
So many ways! I don’t sleep past 6:30am anymore and the daily routine is super important. Life takes on a whole new perspective and purpose.
I find myself recalling my own childhood as I consider my Son’s point of view; how to guide and facilitate meaningful experiences and have a ton fun doing so. It has been a lot of fun and I know there is much more to come. Then there are those tertiary things you put off that become more important like life insurance, wills, etc.
What are some of your preferred recovery methods?
Sleep is the best! Foam rolling(always the hips), stretching, Yoga, light cardio, massage, … a sauna
Who or what inspires you?
People who are actively trying to improve themselves are very inspiring. If we all did this it would change the world, so it’s a good thing that it’s contagious.
What goals will you be pursuing for the remainder of 2018?
I will be focusing on my degree and will be reducing the day job to 32 hours giving me every Friday off (while keeping the health benefits) By the end of the year I will have 2 more industry certifications. (A+ and Net+) I also have a goal of returning as a student of Brazilian Jui-Jitsu before the end of the year. Oh! a sauna, definitely a sauna.