1. Hi Kami! Please tell us a little about yourself.
I was born in Petersburg, Alaska, and I was raised in Anchorage and Eagle River. I graduated from Chugiak High School in 1988. I met my husband, Kyler, a year later and we will be celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary this August. We have two children, Emily 25 and Logan 23. Hard to believe how fast the time has gone! I have worked in the medical field for 25 years, and have been a physician’s assistant for 13 years. I work in private practice at Providence.
2. What motivated you to seek out Figarelle’s Fitness in December 2014? (In other words, what prompted you to make a change in your life at that point in time)?
Honestly, I just got tired of watching the scale creep up and up and my clothes getting tighter and tighter. I felt out of control, and I really needed to do something. I weighed myself after Thanksgiving 2014 and my weight was at an all time high. I was feeling out of control in my body. I had heard about Figarelle’s Fitness from a couple of people; it was a “no BS” place and it was very results oriented, so I gave Steph a call and tried out a FF Bootcamp class. It was very challenging, but I loved it!
3. What are some of the most important lifestyle changes you’ve made over the last 6 months? How have these changes impacted other areas of your life?
Wow! I have made some really big lifestyle changes in the past 6 months. Really in the last year. The first big change was starting yoga a little over a year ago. I went to my first class so that I could attempt to become more flexible. I am probably one of the least flexible human beings! I was really scared to try it, as I knew nothing about yoga. Well, it has been life changing. I tried a class called Traditional Hot Yoga, which is like Bikram with a little bit of flow, and haven’t looked back. It is quite a physical and mental challenge. I am still not flexible, but I have found that it does amazing things for my brain as well as my body. It really helps me to find stillness and focus and determination, and calms that chatter between my ears. I strive to carry that over into my daily life. I’m not always successful, but it is, and will continue to be, a work in progress.
The other hugely important change I made was eliminating alcohol from my life 9 months ago. I NEVER thought I would be able to live a life alcohol free, and in the beginning it wasn’t easy.
But now I feel so amazing, so full of energy, I can’t imagine going back to that life. I wake up every morning feeling pretty fantastic and would not trade that for ANYTHING! Deep down I knew that alcohol was keeping me from achieving my life goals, my physical goals and from progressing in yoga, and it was making me chubbier and bloated. It was keeping me from becoming my true self.
Of course joining Figarelle’s Fitness was a huge lifestyle change. I just love it! I attend bootcamps, personal training, and small group training. I read a quote on the FF website, “movement liberates the spirit.” I love this quote, because my spirit does tend to soar when I am moving about in bootcamp. Must be all the endorphins!
4. What improvements have you made to your nutrition? Any tips for someone just starting out?
I think MyFitnessPal is excellent for accountability. Tracking my food intake on it has been an eye opener. When I plan my meals (super important!), log my food intake on MyFitnessPal, and stick to my macros, losing body fat is fairly effortless. When I don’t, I do not lose body fat. For me, getting 40% of my calories from protein, 30% from carbs, and 30% from fat works great for fat loss (along with bootcamps and small group/personal training).
I will echo what Jessie said in her blog about protein. I love protein and really strive daily to hit that protein macro. For anybody who is just starting out, I recommend giving MyFitnessPal a try. Log honestly, plan and prepare meals ahead of time, and focus on your macros. A simple formula. Yes, it takes some time, but it is so worth it and great results will follow.
5. You regularly attend private personal training, small group personal training, and boot camp classes. What do you enjoy about each of these programs? What are some of your favorite exercises?
I have always enjoyed lifting weights, and personal training and small group training focuses on weight lifting. I love the way lifting weights makes me look and feel. There is nothing like the pumped feeling when you have maxed out your muscles during lifting. Yes, there is that pesky soreness for a day or two after, but it’s worth it!
I love the one on one attention of personal training. And with small group, I love the camaraderie and just hanging out with likeminded ladies giving it their all. It is very inspiring. I love the intensity and constant movement of bootcamps. I love to watch everyone giving it their all. That is incredibly inspiring to me, and makes me push myself and work harder.
I love so many exercises! I just enjoy moving my body and I love the feeling of lifting weights, it’s hard to pick one or two specific exercises. I do like super band runs, and I am feeling pretty good about the rope climb! Never thought I would be able to do that! If I can do it, anyone can do it!
6. What goals have you accomplished over the last 6 months? What would you like to accomplish in the next 6 months?
Since starting Figarelle’s Fitness, I have lost about 13 pounds and my body fat dropped from 25% to around 18-19%. I have put on more muscle and have increased my strength and stamina.
In all honesty, my diet/nutrition has been slacking since the last transformation challenge. My short term goal is to tighten up my nutrition and work on decreasing body fat. I would like to achieve and maintain a body fat of 16%. My scale weight goal has been 135 LB, and I am about 7 pounds away. And I am still after that pull-up! It will happen!
7. What advice would you give to someone who is unsure about starting a fitness program?
Oh man! Just do it. You have nothing to lose and much to gain. Don’t overthink it. What I love about FF is that I just show up and do the work. I don’t have to think about it or overanalyze it. It is planned out for me, I just show up and do it. Or as one wise woman said “I just do what Steph tells me to do.” You know what? It works!
8. How has your mindset changed about fitness and nutrition since working with us?
I know that I can do anything I put my mind to. The only person limiting me is me. There are no excuses. This applies to fitness, nutrition, and life in general.
9. What are some ways you stay on track with your workouts and nutrition while traveling? How do you still manage to stay focused when you’re busy with work, etc?
When I travel, I have an easier time staying on track with my workouts than with my nutrition. I do like to indulge in some great meals when I travel, and that’s fine in moderation. When I travel, I either work out in a hotel gym or run or hike outside. I also pack Quest bars (I love them!) and ready to drink protein shakes.
A busy work day can be a challenge. I know that when I go for hours without a meal, that sets me up for overeating later on. I am so much more successful when I plan, prepare, and pack my meals. I also keep Quest bars and ready to drink protein shakes on hand. Again, it is all about planning ahead. Hunger and fatigue during a busy work day are my triggers for bad choices, so being prepared and packing food and supplements is key. If I wait until I’m starving, its usually too late. I will dive into whatever crap is around me.
10. What keeps you motivated and inspired on a regular basis?
The way I look and feel keeps me motivated and inspired! The desire to keep improving; be it physique changes, stamina improvements, improving form, lifting a little heavier, or holding a yoga posture a little deeper or longer.
The members of Figarelle’s Fitness inspire and motivate me the most. The encouragement, the high fives, the “way to go.” Every person that walks through that door at FF motivates and inspires me. Steph, Lela, Charlene consistently motivate and inspire me. How lucky am I? Three life coaches that want nothing but the best from you! I am grateful!
For more information on how you can become a member of Figarelle’s Fitness, please contact us today! 907-952-8809