You are in control: Day 5

Earlier in the week, I set a bodyweight goal of 176.0 LB by Saturday morning. I hit that goal today.  Had I stayed the same weight as yesterday or gone up, I would have made an adjustment to my calories today. I’ve been at 1,800 calories a day for several weeks...

Steph’s 90 Day Transformation: Day 2

Day two is off to a great start. Weight: 176.8 LB, this is a 1.2 LB difference from yesterday morning. My training goals this week: Get in three strength workouts, and three cardio workouts (minimum 400 calorie burn), and 8 hours of sleep every night. My calories are...

Steph’s 90 Day Transformation: Day 1

I’m taking the next 90 days to focus on improving my nutrition and consistency with my workouts in an effort to lose body fat, gain muscle and develop better habits. I want to look, feel and perform better than I ever have. I’m documenting my progress here...

How to get fit while saving money

Getting in shape is difficult for anyone. If you’re on a strict budget, it can feel even more out of reach. Many people mistakenly believe that living a healthy lifestyle is expensive, and this simply isn’t true. Sure, buying a gym membership, and hiring a...