Why suffering is important: Day 3

I’m currently starving. Hunger is one of the most annoying fucking sensations I can think of.   I woke up at 4:30am today, which is 30 minutes earlier than usual, and all that does is prolong the discomfort even more. My bodyweight was the same as...

Steph’s 90 Day Transformation: Day 2

Day two is off to a great start. Weight: 176.8 LB, this is a 1.2 LB difference from yesterday morning. My training goals this week: Get in three strength workouts, and three cardio workouts (minimum 400 calorie burn), and 8 hours of sleep every night. My calories are...

Chris is our FF Member of the month!

Hi Chris! Please tell us about yourself. My name is Christine DeMorat. I’m originally from Upstate NY, but moved to North Carolina in 1995 with my husband and kids.  I’ve always been athletic and have done many running events, mud runs, triathlons and...

Thinking beyond the scale

Stepping on a scale is how most people measure their health and fitness progress. I like the scale. I think it’s an important tool in the toolbox, but it’s just one way to measure improvement. Don’t overlook the positive changes that come shortly...

A Fitness Journey: Denise shares her story

Denise has been working with Figarelle’s Fitness since February 2014. Since starting with us, she’s lost 40 LB, 12.8% body fat, and 6 inches from her waist. At 55 years old, she is the strongest she’s ever been in her life. To say that she is an...