Front load your protein for best results: Day 19

Protein is a really important macronutrient to facilitate losing body fat and building muscle. If you front load it, meaning you prioritize it at every meal, it becomes much easier to hit your target number each day. For example, when I plan breakfast, I make sure...

Do you need Supplements?: Day 18

Do you need supplements in order to be successful with fat loss? In short, the answer is no. If you recall from my previous Blog posts, I’ve mentioned several times that fat loss happens when you are in a consistent caloric deficit. No supplements required. But...

Big calorie burns can mess up fat loss: Day 15

I hiked the Crow Pass trail from the Girdwood side yesterday and went up to the cabin, then turned around. It was a 5.5 mile trek roundtrip. Damn, I love that area. It’s invigorating to be so close to the mountains and the waterfalls. I haven’t been up...

Do food choices matter? Day 12

When I was a freshman in High School I became a Lacto Ovo vegetarian. I cut out meat and fish but still consumed eggs and dairy.  I’d grown increasingly interested in nutrition and how the different macronutrients impacted energy and overall health, and I felt...