Coasting: Day 26

Fat loss is becoming easier every day. I like to call this part of the process coasting. Everything is (mostly) effortless.  I have developed good habits around food and exercise again, and I’m seeing results. I’ve noticed that my stamina while out walking...

The benefits of being in shape: Day 23

I’m behind on regular blogging, but all is going well. I had one day of overindulgence, and it was great. Enjoyed some donuts and got back on track the following day. I don’t refer to bigger calorie intake days as “cheat days” or anything else....

Do food choices matter? Day 12

When I was a freshman in High School I became a Lacto Ovo vegetarian. I cut out meat and fish but still consumed eggs and dairy.  I’d grown increasingly interested in nutrition and how the different macronutrients impacted energy and overall health, and I felt...