Hitting plateaus: Day 38

Life has been busy and I haven’t been able to devote as much time to blogging here as I would like. That being said, everything is going well. One shift I’ve noticed this week is that I have a lot more stamina in the gym, and I’m eager to train. I...

Coasting: Day 26

Fat loss is becoming easier every day. I like to call this part of the process coasting. Everything is (mostly) effortless.  I have developed good habits around food and exercise again, and I’m seeing results. I’ve noticed that my stamina while out walking...

The benefits of being in shape: Day 23

I’m behind on regular blogging, but all is going well. I had one day of overindulgence, and it was great. Enjoyed some donuts and got back on track the following day. I don’t refer to bigger calorie intake days as “cheat days” or anything else....

Front load your protein for best results: Day 19

Protein is a really important macronutrient to facilitate losing body fat and building muscle. If you front load it, meaning you prioritize it at every meal, it becomes much easier to hit your target number each day. For example, when I plan breakfast, I make sure...

Do you need Supplements?: Day 18

Do you need supplements in order to be successful with fat loss? In short, the answer is no. If you recall from my previous Blog posts, I’ve mentioned several times that fat loss happens when you are in a consistent caloric deficit. No supplements required. But...